Immanuel Kant | Live as Though Your Every Act Were to Become a Universal Law 1724 PRUSSIA 1804 PRUSSIA

Kant is a philosopher of integrity. He teaches us that integrity is rooted in acting consistently according to rational moral principles that are transparent for everyone else to follow. Each of us is endowed with the power to reason and to establish laws for ourselves that we regularly obey. These laws are our principles. Before Kant, matters of right and wrong were generally decided by religious, legal, or cultural authorities, which varied according to time and place. The force of these dictates was often tied to reward and punishment. Kant asks us not to act morally out of self-interest. We should not act out of a desire for a reward, like going to heaven, or because we fear punishment by legal authorities. For Kant, we are moral only if we act according to rational laws that we set for ourselves and that we would deem worthy for all rational agents to follow. To be consistent and unified in action and thought, to be at one with ourselves by adhering to our principles, is to have integrity and to realize our humanity to the fullest.


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The Philosopher’s Deck Journal

The Philosopher’s Deck Journal contains a set of five questions to guide your reflections on each of the 22 thinkers found in The Philosopher’s Deck. It provides a place where you can write down your thoughts and feelings as you converse with each thinker to help empower you to live more mindfully and purposefully. Applying and reflecting on the wisdom of these thinkers allows you to broaden your horizon of possibilities and vision of how to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

The Philosophy Wise Journal

The Philosophy Wise Journal is a tool to help guide your journey to living a more philosophical life.  To philosophize is to engage in introspection, reflection, and questioning. It is to practice the life of the mind—where awareness, self-consciousness, and clarity are seated.   

 Use this journal to reflect on the questions found at the end of each chapter in Philosophy Wise. Writing down your thoughts and feelings as you enter into dialogue with each philosopher will enrich your understanding of each thinker’s perspective on how to live a good and fulfilling life, while deepening your understanding of what matters most to you. 

The Philosopher’s Deck

The Philosopher’s Deck brings together the wisdom of philosophy and the practice of using images to contemplate and evaluate life situations. For centuries people have been using cards to meditate on archetypes that have resonated throughout human experience. The most popular set of cards is the traditional Tarot deck. The Philosopher’s Deck follows the framework of the Tarot’s 22 major Arcana cards but is geared more toward helping you arrive at wisdom and clarity through reflection on a set of timeless philosophical ideas and principles. The Philosopher’s Deck depicts 22 of the world greatest thinkers and their key ideas and concepts to spark insight and bring about clarity through wisdom. Each philosopher has carefully been chosen to relate the meaning of their life and work to the meaning of the corresponding card.  Socrates depicts the idea of Self-Examination; Buddha the idea of Impermanence, Rumi the idea of Love, Sartre the idea of Action; Nietzsche the idea of Self-creation; and Arendt the idea of Judgement.  See the Table of Contents for a full list of the themes covered in the Deck and use the cards to arrive at deeper levels of understanding. 

Philosophy Wise, The Book

Philosophy Wise re-invigorates philosophy’s initial impulse to help people live more meaningful lives. Written for philosophers and non-philosopher’s alike, it shows you how to gain clarity and wisdom by using the lens of philosophy to approach your everyday concerns. 20 of the world’s greatest thinkers are presented as guides, each offering you their vision of how to live a more purposeful and satisfying life. Experiment and choose from a kaleidoscope of timeless ideas to gain a deeper understanding of what matters most to you.

Table of Contents:
Socrates: Self-Examination, Lao Tzu: Receptivity, Buddha: Impermanence, Confucius: Tradition, Aristotle: Character, Epictetus: Acceptance, Augustine: Happiness, Rumi: Love, Rene, Descartes: Reason, Immanuel Kant: Integrity, Soren Kierkegaard: Leap of Faith, Friedrich Nietzsche: Self-Creation, W.E.B. Du Bois: Education, Simone Weil: Attention, Hannah Arendt: Thinking, Jean Paul Sartre: Action, Simone de Beauvoir: Ethical Freedom, Albert Camus: The Absurd, Frantz Fanon: Resistance, Gloria Anzaldúa: la Mestiza