Philosophical Guidance
The book Philosophy Wise and the collection of tarot-style cards in The Philosopher’s Deck provide tools and ideas for how philosophy can serve as a practical guide for everyday life. If you would like to further discuss how to use these resources, you may book a 50 minute session with me. Together we work to apply some of the lenses introduced in Philosophy Wise to a specific question or concern to demonstrate how to use philosophy in your daily life.
Philosophical Discussion Groups
Philosophy was traditionally a dialogue between people; a conversation that brought forth wisdom and insight. Plato’s writings, for example, powerfully show Socrates engaging in philosophical dialogue with the people of Athens. Philosophy Wise offers an array of discussion groups and workshops to facilitate and strengthen your understanding of philosophy as a way of life. We are hoping to offer workshops as early as 2023.
Discussion topics include:
- Existentialism as a Way of Life: Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Sartre
- How To Overcome Fear: Epictetus, Camus, Augustine
- Death, Dying and Mourning: Confucius, Buddha, Epictetus
- Living With Uncertainty: Kant, Camus, de Beauvoir
- Living Without Regret: Socrates, Nietzsche, Arendt
- On Gratitude: Epictetus, Rumi
- Stillness, Silence and Connection: Lao Tzu, Weil, Buddha
- Living with Purpose: Kierkegaard, Du Bois, Fanon
- Living with Balance: Aristotle, Anzaldúa, Descartes
Philosophy Retreats
Join us on a 10 day international retreat (inquire about adding or subtracting days) where we read, talk and practice philosophy. It will take us some time to get this leg of Philosophy Wise off the ground. Check in again in 2023 for program status.